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Official Journal of the Japan Wood Research Society

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Climatic responses of tree-ring widths of Larix gmelinii on contrasting north-facing and south-facing slopes in central Siberia


An analysis was performed on the climatic responses of the radial growth of Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. on contrasting north-facing and south-facing slopes in Tura, central Siberia. We developed chronologies of tree-ring width for four plots, designated as north-upper, northlower, south-upper, and south-lower. Both residual and standard chronologies of tree-ring widths exhibited a significant positive correlation with temperature from the end of May until early June in all four plots. The chronologies of ring width did not reveal any major difference in the response to temperature among the four plots. The standard chronologies of ring widths on the north-facing slope were negatively correlated with precipitation during the winter (October–April) and in early and mid-May, whereas the residual chronologies did not reveal clear relationships with precipitation during the winter and May. The significant correlation between ring width and temperature from the end of May until early June indicates that temperatures in springtime play a significant role in the radial growth of L. gmelinii. The negative correlations between standard chronologies of tree-ring width and precipitation in the winter and in May on the north-facing slope indicate that lowfrequency fluctuations in snowfall have negative effects on the radial growth. However, these effects vary and depend on the microscale topography.


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Part of this report was presented at the 55th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Society, March 2005, Kyoto

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Kujansuu, J., Yasue, K., Koike, T. et al. Climatic responses of tree-ring widths of Larix gmelinii on contrasting north-facing and south-facing slopes in central Siberia. J Wood Sci 53, 87–93 (2007).

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