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Official Journal of the Japan Wood Research Society

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Bearing properties of Shorea obtusa beneath a laterally loaded bolt


Empirical equations to determine the bearing strength have been proposed by many researchers and design standards. Because these equations have been developed mainly based on test results of softwood species, it is a matter of great importance (to ASEAN structural engineers) to verify the applicability of these equations for tropical hardwood species, which are commonly used in many ASEAN countries. In this study, wood specimens of Shorea obtusa (a tropical hardwood species) were used and the bearing test under full-hole confi guration was carried out for fi ve different loading angles to the grain. The bearing stress-embedment curve obtained from the test was approximated by a linear elastic-plastic diagram indicating the initial and fi nal stiffness of the curve. Testing showed that the average bearing strength parallel to the grain was 7.25% lower than the prediction given in Eurocode 5. The bearing strength perpendicular to the grain evaluated based on bearing load at initial cracking was substantially different from any predictions given by previous studies or design standards. It was also found that the bearing strength and initial stiffness from the bearing stress-embedment curve for loading at intermediate angles to the grain could be satisfactorily predicted with Hankinson’s formula.


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Awaludin, A., Smittakorn, W., Hirai, T. et al. Bearing properties of Shorea obtusa beneath a laterally loaded bolt. J Wood Sci 53, 204–210 (2007).

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