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Official Journal of the Japan Wood Research Society

Fig. 2 | Journal of Wood Science

Fig. 2

From: Identification of Pinus species related to historic architecture in Korea using NIR chemometric approaches

Fig. 2

a The original near-infrared (NIR) spectra and b the second derivative spectra for each species based on wood block samples. Encircled one 7000 cm−1 assigned to the amorphous regions in cellulose, encircled two 5980 cm−1 aromatic skeletal due to lignin, encircled three 5800 cm−1 furanose or pyranose due to hemicellulose, encircled four 5464 cm−1 semi- or crystalline region in cellulose, encircled five 5220 cm−1 water, encircled six 4890–4620 cm−1 cellulose, encircled seven 4404 cm−1 cellulose and hemicellulose, encircled eight 4280 cm−1 semi- or crystalline regions in cellulose

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