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Official Journal of the Japan Wood Research Society

Table 2 Ultimate and proximate analyses and fuel properties of the invasive species compared with that of Acacia tortilis

From: Possibility of using three invasive non-forest tree species as an alternative source for energy production



C. procera

P. australis

R. stricta

A. tortilis

Ultimate analysis

 Carbon (C)

45.81C ± 0.3

45.69C ± 0.1

49.91A ± 0.1

46.64B ± 0.2

 Hydrogen (H)

6.03A ± 0.2

5.92A ± 0.1

6.13A ± 0.1

6.08A ± 0.04

 Nitrogen (N)

0.31B ± 0.1

0.14C ± 0.1

0.75A ± 0.1

0.38B ± 0.1

 Oxygen (O)

44.59B ± 0.3

46.06A ± 0.2

41.68C ± 0.2

44.95B ± 0.2

Proximate analysis


3.49 ± 0.1

2.92 ± 0.1

3.06 ± 0.02

3.54 ± 0.1


3.26A ± 0.03

2.19B ± 0.2

2.03C ± 0.3

1.95C ± 0.01

 Volatile matter

83.86A ± 0.6

77.10C ± 0.3

80.63B ± 0.5

80.37B ± 0.3

 Fixed carbon

9.39C ± 0.7

17.79A ± 0.3

14.28B ± 0.7

14.14B ± 0.3

 Fuel properties

 HHV (db, MJ/kg)

18.77C ± 0.3

18.52C ± 0.2

19.79A ± 0.3

19.29B ± 0.3

 HHV (daf, MJ/kg)

19.38B ± 0.2

18.93C ± 0.1

20.09A ± 0.2

19.67B ± 0.2






  1. Mean values of nine samples
  2. Means with the same letters in rows are not significantly different according to least significant differences (LSD) test
  3. O (%) = 100 − (C + H + N + ash) according to Pereira et al. [47]
  4. HHV Higher heating value, db dry weight basis, daf dry weight ash-free, FVI Fuel value index