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Official Journal of the Japan Wood Research Society

Fig. 3 | Journal of Wood Science

Fig. 3

From: Sequent periderm formation and changes in the cellular contents of phloem parenchyma during rhytidome development in Cryptomeria japonica

Fig. 3

Conventional light and CLSM images showing the formation of new periderm (Stage 1) in Tree B in June, 2016. a, c Light micrographs of a transverse section without staining. b, d CLSM images of the same section as in a, c after stained with FY and CR. Light micrographs of radial sections stained with acetocarmine (e, f) and iodine–potassium iodide (g), showing nuclei (black arrowheads) and starch grains, respectively. c, d, f Higher magnification images of the selected areas in a, b, e. Black arrows indicate axial and ray parenchyma cells with no nuclei. White arrows indicate new periderm. White arrowheads indicate new periderm with no starch grains. AP axial parenchyma cell, F phloem fiber, IB inner bark, NPr new periderm, NRh new prhytidome, Pr periderm, Rh rhytidome, RP ray parenchyma cell. The right side of each micrograph corresponds to the outer side of the tree. Scale bars = 200 µm in a, b, e; 100 µm in f, g; 50 µm in c, d

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